Question HTML and CSS

 1. An HTML document has three required parts. Select 3 of them.

    a. a paragraph element

    b. a head element

    c. a footer element

    d. a container element

    e. a line containing HTML version information

    f. a body element

2. Choose the correct HTML element for most important heading.

    a. <h6>

    b. <h1>

    c. <head>

    d. <heading>

3. Identify all the structural tags that create new blocks on an web page.

    a. <ul>

    b. <nav>

    c. <strong>

    d. <p>

    e. <img>

    f. <li>

    g. <span>

    h. <a>

    i. <section>

4. Identify all the pharsing elements that the browser display inline by default. 

    a. <div>

    b. <span>

    c. <p>

    d. <ul>

    e. <section>

    f. <img>

    g. <strong>

    h. <article>

    i. <a>

5. Identify elements that have no semantic value and should only be used they are needed for styling purposes.

    a. <div>

    b. <span>

6. Identify the reason why semantic mark up is important.

    a. It makes web pages easier to maintain

    b. It makes web pages easier to style

    c. It makes web pages more consistent accross browser

    d. It makes web pages display properly in the browser

    e. It makes web pages more easily indexed by search engines

    f. It makes web page more accessible for user with assistive technologies

7. Identify the tags with syntax errors.

    a. <article id = "main" class = "featured"> </article>

    b. <a href = ""> </a>

    c. <img src = "images/pic.jpg" alt = "my picture">

    d. <blockquote class = "large pull"> </blockquote>

8. Which CSS rule has the most specificty.

    a. main{color: red;}

    b. #main{color: red;}

    c. all of these rules are equally specific

    d. .main{color: red;}

9. Which rule will change the font size for this element : <p class = "intro">Here is an intro paragraph</p>

    a. p. intro{size: 50px;}

    b. p{fontSize: 30px;}

    c. #intro{font-size: 2em;}

    d. .intro{font-size: 150%;}

    e. p.intro{font-size: 2em;}

10. How much horizontal screen space will the section with this CSS take up using the box-sizing model? section{width: 200px; padding: 200px; border: 5px solid black; margin: 20px}

    a. none due to a syntax error

    b. 290px

    c. 200px

    d. 50%

11. Which CSS display value would be est to use to make a short, unordered list of display horizontal for navigation acress a web page.

    a. ul{display: inline;}

    b. ul{display: flex;}

    c. ul{display: block;}

    d. ul{display: hidden;}

    e. ul{display: grid;}

12. Identify important consideration and best proctices when building interactive web projects.

    a. Optimize images an image editor to get file sizes as low as possible

    b. Always use these highest resolution photos you can get

    c. Build your own library of project you can refer to when working on other projects.

    d. Never falidate your HTML in an HTML validator because they are often wrong

    e. Use the inspector in your browser to track down and identify problems, when troubleshooting your code.

    f. Use inline styling in your HTML files

    g. Use semantic HTML so that the structural meaning of content is clear to machines.

    h. Make sure your HTML and CSS are properly formatted, following identation standards.

    i. Separate your HTML and CSS by using a linked stylesheet for all styling rules.

    j. Build for smaller screens first, then add layout for larger screens throughs CSS techniques, such as media queries.
