Question of Javascript part I

 1. Whisch of the following items are true about Javascript?

    a. Javascript and java are the same programming language.

    b.The language was not well received by developers.

    c. The language was originally written in 10 days in 1995.

    d. The Javaascript language is static and has not received any updates since 2015.

    e. The fourth revision of the Javascript standart was abandoned.

2. Which of the following items are true about Javascript?

    a. ECMAscript is the official standard upon which JavaScript is based.

    b. The best practice for waiting JavaScript has a lot to do with minimizing the poorer         aspect of the language while taking advantage of the more powerful aspect of the language.

    c. The sixth revision of ECMAscript(ES2015) positioned JS as a general purpouse programming language, while building on is strengths as a scripting a language.

    d. JS is compailed language as C and CTRL + x

3. Acceptable code editor for JS include?

    a. Microsoft word

    b. Adobe acrobat

    c. Atom

    d. Apple pages

    e. Sublime text

    f. Adobe dreamever

    g. Visual studio code

4. Which skills and traits do you need to become successful JS programmer?

    a. Knowledge of another programming language, like C or Java.

    b. Persistence when your program is not working properly.

    c. Keyboard skill.

    d. Logical thinking.

    e. Knowledge of HTML and CSS.

    f. High level math skill.

5. What is the purpouse of variable in JS?

    a. To make programs more general and more reuseable.

    b. To make a program readable.

    c. To hold temporary data.

    d. Used by search engines to make your web pages more search engine friendly.

6. Which of the following is a keyword used to define a variable in JS?

    a. Make

    b. Define

    c. $

    d. var

    e. variable

7. Which variable names below can not be used because they are keywords in JS?

    a. var

    b. false

    c. x

    d. for

    e. class

    f. counter

    g. function

    h. name

    i. if

8. Identify the valid JS variable declaration below

    a. var name;

    b. var thisLink = "home";

    c. $name = "Joe";

    d. var fisrt-name = "Latisha";

    e. var age = 25;

9. Identify the invalid JS variable declaration

    a. var 1day = "Sunday";

    b. var fisrt-name = "Jose";

    c. var country = "India";

    d. var function = "My function";

    e. var fisrt_name = "Sandy";

10. Which of the following are true about arrays? 

    a. Arrays are useful for dealing with groups of data.

    b. An array can hold strings and number.

    c. An array can hold amother array.

    d. Array methods allow you to do different things with the data in the arrays, such as sort it.

    e. Array can hold one type of data at a time.

    f. Array are one of the main tools you will use to hold data while your program works with it.

11. Given the following array, which of the answers are true? var fruit = ['pear', 'apple', 'orange', 'banana'];

    a. console.log(fruit[1]); will return apple

    b. console.log(fruit[4]); will return undifined

    c. console.log(fruit.length); will return 4

    d. console.log(fruit[0]); will return pear

    e. console.log(fruit[4]); will return banana
